Detailed Description

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Title: Presupuesto jeneral de las cantidades necesarias para cubrir los gastos ordinarios y extraordinarios de la administración de la república en el año económico de 1o de Septiembre de 1846 a 31 de Agosto de 1847
Creator: Pombo, Lino
Publication Info: Bogotá : Unknown, 1846.
Physical Details: 86p. ; 21 2/10 x 15 2/10 cms.
Physical Condition: Badly mouldy at the end, pp. 61-86, damaged, holed. Poor.

Summary: Lino Pombo, Hacienda Secretary, presents here the projected national budget for the year 1846 to 1847. It includes a breakdown of the expenses for all government institutions in the capital city and the provinces.
Donor Notes: The projected budget for the 1846-47 of New Granada. - J.L.H.

Type: Pamphlet
Language: Spanish
Format: JPG
PDF - Color
Donor: Helguera, J. León
Collection: Helguera, J. León Collection
Institution: Vanderbilt University
Accession Number: P01654
Record Number: 280
Islandora ID: islandora:6130