Detailed Description

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Title: United States Patent Office
Creator: Vera, Pedro
Publication Info: S.I. : s.n., February 23, 1875.
Physical Details: 29 x 19 5/10 [letter, double sided] 28 x 19 4/10 [diagram, single sided]

Summary: Pedro Vera, a Colombian inventor, writes a letter to confirm his patent with the US Patent Office for an improved gas engine. The patent describes the engine and provides a diagram.

Subject(s): Internal combustion engine industry -- Colombia -- History
Engineering -- History -- 19th century
Patent licenses

SpecHlcaLion formiog part of Letters Patent No. 160,130, d~~ted l!'ebruary 23, 1875; appli.cation filed
March 29, 1873.

To all whom it may concern:
Be it known tllat I, PEDRO V.~<;RA., of Bo≠gota, in the United States of Colombia, ha,∑e invented a new and Improïed IIeat-Gencrat≠ing ~laclliue, of which the following is a speci≠fication:
l\Iy ilwention consists of an appa,ratns for generating beat and mot.ion by causing tlle explosion of mixtures of hydrogen and oxy≠gen gases in the proportions for forming wa≠t er, and utilizing the beat generated thereby to COJnFigure 1 is a longitudinal sectional ele,∑ation These Yalves N are alternately openecl by a Jug, T, on rod K, and closed by a spring, tJ, acting on their levers V. \V represents small glass insulators fitted in holes in the side of tlle gun-cylinder, one to each chamber, t hrou gh whi(;h a wire, X, enters eaclt chamber, saicl wires passing througll the side of c,ylinder A, also insulated, and being free at their outer ends z z. Y andY' represent wires of a s mall electric maclline, one of which connects with cyli nder C and the other is to he alternately brought into contact with the free ends of the wires X by tlle rock-lever a2ï
'rhe apparatus being tllns amtngetion of appa.ratus wllich I use for carryi ng out 1 the valves will be opened to set it in motion,
my inYentiou . Fig. 2 is a plan view. S imilar letters of reference indicate corre≠sponding parts.
The appat'atns ma.y consist of a h ollow cyl≠iJH!er, A, hermetically closed, ll:wing pipes A 1 A'counectingitwitll pumpsA2 for introoxes F in the beads of cylinder A, a nd mtrryiug a disk, G, in front of each end of the guu-cyl iuah'csN arc opened.
and a certain quan tity of mixed hydrogen a.ud oxygen gases, in the lH'oportion of two atoms of the former and one of the latter-t ile quan≠tities for forming water-will flow into one of the gun-chambers. At the same time a cur≠rent of electricity will be caused to enter tlle gnn-cllamber, in to which t he gy the wire X of said chaml>er being brought into contact with the wire Y' of an electric machine by one of tile lugs T of the rod K and ignite and explocle the mixture by a spark, and form water. 'rllis explosion will produce lleat iu the proportion of 34A62 calories for each gram of hydrogen oxidized according to the cxperi≠meuts of l\Iessrs. Fabre aud Selbounann. lt will also produce a u euormous quantity of elec≠t.rieit.v, grea,ter tlla n that which may be pro≠ducetl from any galvanic apparatus, because the oxidation of a quanty of hydrogen which can produce one millignun of water sets free sufficient electricity to charge a metallic s nt'≠face of one square metee twenty thousand times, according to t lte experiments of Bee∑ querel, Fat'aday, aud others.
By the he~tt generated iu the chemical action tl1e water produced will be instantaneously converted into steam, which will force the pis≠ton G from tlle gun cllamber last exploded, so as to change the ïalves and tlle wire conuefï.≠tious aud cause tlle action to be repeated in the other chamber, and so on. At stroke of the piston a quantity of air will be iutro≠duced into the cylinder A by th.e pumps A2 , which ∑will be heated by t he heat evolved by t he cllcmical actio n, ( wbieh is latent in t ile steam which comes from the gun-chambers in∑
to the cylinder A,) and expanded, so tllat it can be u tilized as a motive power, being con≠ducted to the engine through pipe B.
Instead of two branches, 0 , connecti ng the lïydrogen-vessel with the pipes l\f, one of tw ice t he capacity of the oxygen-pipe Qwill answer as well.
I do not pretend th at the machine can sup≠ply itself with tile products of combustion for expanding air, n or that sufficient electrici ty is gener ated to produce heating-gases for t he machine.
Haying th us described my invention, I claim as new aud desire to secure by Letters .Pat≠ent≠
The combination of the gun-cylinder A, fl exible hydrogen and oxygen gas holders, valve mechanisms, electrical-engine wires X Y Y', and the device for alternately connecting said wires, substantially as specified.

The combination of t he a ir-pumps wit h tlle cylinder A and the gas-explodin g mecha n≠ism, substantially as specified.

The above specification of my invent ion signed by me this luth day of J a nuary, 1873.


Patent ed Feb . 23 , 1875.

No . 160,130



Type: Broadside
Language: English
Format: JPG
PDF - Color
Donor: Helguera, J. León
Collection: Helguera, J. León Collection
Institution: Vanderbilt University
Accession Number: B00887
Record Number: 446