Detailed Description

Title: Consagración de las familias al divino corazón de Jesús.
Creator: UNK
Publication Info: Bogotá ? : UNK, 1870.
Physical Details: 1 page on 1 side. ; 15 X 9 5/10 cms.
Physical Condition: Worn

Summary: Novena honoring the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Historical Notes: In the nineteenth century Colombians gathered to praise their saints and virgins in collective acts of devotion. At the center of these religious practices was the reading of novenas, sermons and other religious texts. Sharing religious beliefs contributed to the forging of a national identity. Throughout the nineteenth century Catholicism was the dominant reigion in Colombia. Moreover, the emerging Colombian state and the Catholic Church established a close relation, and together promoted a national identity centered on the Hispanic and Pre-Hispanic roots of the nation. Catholicism was an essential component of this identity. As LaRosa and Mejía have put it "Catholicism emerged as a central force in building a common identity for Colombians during the formative years of the nineteenth century and well into the twentieth. Catholicism unified a state that was trying to construct a nation" [Michael LaRosa and Germán Mejía, Colombia: A Concise Contemporary History (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2012), p. 63].
Donor Notes: Prayer of dedication of families to the sacred heart of Jesus. - J.L.H.

Subject(s): Catholic Church -- Colombia -- History -- 19th century
Catholic Church -- Prayers and devotions -- 19th century
Catholic Church -- Colombia -- Novenas -- 19th century

Type: Pamphlet
Language: Spanish
Donor: Helguera, J. León
Collection: Helguera
Institution: Vanderbilt Univesity
Accession Number: P02831
Record Number: 565