Detailed Description

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Title: El Redactór Americáno. Periodico del Nuevo Reino de Granada
Publication Info: : , December 06, 1806.
Physical Details: 14 1/2 x 21 cm
Physical Condition: Dog-eared corners.

Summary: Describes smallpox vaccination campaigns across Granada led by Vice Director Doctor José Salvany. States the number of vaccinations will reach 100,000 and their effectiveness in containing contagion in Popayan, Quito, and Cuenca.
Historical Notes: Vaccination against smallpox signaled the arrival of modernity. In England in 1796, Edward Jenner developed a safer and more successful smallpox vaccine than earlier versions. When faced with an epidemic in 1802, the Ayuntamiento of Santa Fé de Bogotá asked King Carlos IV for help on June 19, requesting more financial resources to fund the creation of a new hospital. The request was forwarded to the Council of the Indies in December, and on February 19, 1803, the Council rejected the request on the grounds of inadequate information. Even though King Carlos IV approved the Council's decision, he asked them to consider introducing the vaccine into the colonies. Smith, Michael M. "The 'Real Expedición Marítima de La Vacuna' in New Spain and Guatemala." Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 64.1. 1974. Pp. 5-74.

Subject(s): Public health -- Colombia
Medicine -- Colombia -- History -- 19th century
Smallpox -- Vaccination
Smallpox -- Colombia -- History -- 19th century
Salvany y Lleopart, José, 1778-1810
Related Items in the Collection: Reglamento para la vacuna

Type: Pamphlet
Language: Spanish
Format: JPG
PDF - Color
Donor: Helguera, J. León
Collection: Helguera, J. León Collection
Institution: Vanderbilt University
Accession Number: NA
Record Number: 632