The J. León Helguera Collection of Colombiana at Vanderbilt University includes unique primary sources on 17th to 20th-century Colombian history and culture. The result of a half-century of collecting on three continents, the collection is one of the largest and most wide-ranging in the United States. The collection includes books, manuscripts, broadsides, pamphlets (including novenas), royal cedulas, programas, and newspapers.

The database includes a selection of full text searchable broadsides, pamphlets, and programas. Some additional records for materials that have not yet been scanned are also included in the database.

Online exhibits and corresponding essays are linked below.

For questions about the collection, please contact Paula Covington, Bibliographer for Latin American and Iberian Studies and Senior Lecturer in Latin American Studies.

Colombia in the 19th Century

Rebellion and Nation Building in 19th-Century Colombia

Colombia in the Early 20th Century

Colombian Independence


Estudio politico y administrativo de la intendencia nacional del Chocó (1920) full description of this item
An enthusiastic doctoral thesis in Law at the National University, celebrating the potential of Chocó Intendency

Almanaque calculado para la Nueva Granada por el Dr. Benedicto Dominguez para el ano de 840 Contiene algunas recetas (1840) full description of this item
Fr. José María Valdéz, Novena en honor del glorioso Padre San Antonio Abad, 1843 Helguera Coat of Arms J. León Helguera Muchos Catolicos, 'Espantoso Sacrilejio' Bogotá, 1866. 'El Huzar de Buenavista Sale Cantando la Acción de la Culebrera' Bogotá, 1852. 'Julian Trujillo' 1860 'Carta de la República de (la Gran) Colombia dividida en 12 departamentos en 1824' _Atlas físico y político de la República de Venezuela_, 1840 '¡¡¡ Neira Ha Muerto !!!'  Bogotá, 1841. Colección de Asertos o Programas... por los Alumnos del Colejio de Panamá...  1848