Detailed Description

Title: Caída y aniquilamiento del liberalismo ; El liberalismo en Cuba
Creator: Romero Aguirre, Alfonso
Publication Info: Bogotá : Editorial Iqueima, 1951.
Physical Details: p. 7-91 ; 24 4/10 x 17 3/10 cms.
Physical Condition: Dog-eared & printed on yellowing newsprint but fairly legible

Donor Notes: A survey of the relations between the Colombian Liberals & Cuba, using part of the test to condemn Pres. Alfonso López Pumarejo for having lost the party's ascendency. - J.L.H.

Subject(s): Liberalism -- Colombia -- History -- 20th century
Liberalism -- Cuba -- History -- 20th century

Type: Pamphlet
Language: Spanish
Donor: Helguera, J. León
Collection: Helguera, J. León Collection
Institution: Vanderbilt University
Accession Number: P00614
Record Number: 2438
OCLC Number: 8510538