Detailed Description

Title: Colección de progamas para los certámenes públicos que las clases de la Universidad del Cauca presentan en el mes de Julio de 1838
Creator: Medina, Pedro Antonio
Publication Info: Popayán, Colombia : Imprenta de la Universidad por Manuel G. Córdoba, 1838.
Physical Details: {p. 1, 3-11, 13-23, 25-27, 29-31, 33-35} ; 23 1/10 x 18 1/10 cm.
Physical Condition: Wrappers stained, but interior pages good.

Donor Notes: The 1838 programas of the University of Cauca, Popayán in, 1838 in: Natural Law, Mathematics, Medicine, Political Economy, Universal Legislation, Civil Law, Ecclesiastical Law, Fundamentals of Religion, & Sacred Written. - J.L.H.

Subject(s): Universidad del Cauca -- Examinations, questions, etc.
Education, Higher -- Colombia -- Popayán -- 19th century

Type: Programa
Language: Spanish
Donor: Helguera, J. León
Collection: Helguera, J. León Collection
Institution: Vanderbilt University
Accession Number: Q00129
Record Number: 3096