Detailed Description

Title: Manifestación de Gratitud...
Creator: Rojas, Tomás de
Publication Info: Popayán : Imprenta de Hurtado, January 09, 1855.
Physical Condition: Slightly water-stained on bottom sixth, worn, but fair.

Summary: The second in command of the Pasto contingent stationed in Popayán and his officers render homage to the inhabitants of that city and their hospitality. The homage is couched in highly pompous language, purple prose, probably seen as farcical.

Subject(s): Colombia -- Social life and customs -- 19th century

Type: Broadside
Language: Spanish
Donor: Helguera, J. León
Collection: Helguera, J. León Collection
Institution: Vanderbilt University
Accession Number: B00949
Record Number: 3568